Okay guys. After much contemplation and deliberation I finally found the perfect medium over Memorial Day vacation through which to engage in this thing that I feel embarrassingly childish for not finding the time to penetrate:

I read a book.

Like, a chapter book without pictures or anything. Just words. And I enjoyed it quite a bit. I went over this a long time ago with you guys, but for some reason I just hadn’t been able to get into literature in general. The excuses I gave were being a painfully slow reader, having trouble keeping up with characters and setting descriptions, and in general just not having the patience for anything over a couple hundred pages, if that. That probably just meant though that I hadn’t actually found anything that interested me enough for me to want to read it.

I know a lot of you guys are about fantasy literature but I am still utterly unconvinced that it’s for me. Every time I look at the section at Borders or something I just find a sea of covers (please don’t bring up the pun) indistinguishable from one another. I tried reading an iBooks sample of Game of Thrones but had to push myself through it. I’ll wait for the series to hit Netflix or something.

The item that broke the ice for me: the Kindle version of Killing Pablo by Mark Bowden on my iPad.

I don’t know if nonfiction is inherently an easier read, but this is literally the first page-turner I’ve encountered. Ever. Maybe it’s also the fact that nearly my entire eventual “to buy” list of books consists of historical war literature. My father’s former occupation along with his shelves of, well, war books, might have something to do with that.

Suggestions? Encouragement?