Welcome @jt_bombtrak and @Rogue Cheddar. Good to see some new posters.

As for the 2011 list, I’ll just be lazy and post what I plan on playing and why:

Killzone 3 – The second one fell victim to my burnout on shooters. Since I passed on COD: BLOPS and grazed on Reach this year, I should be ready to give this one a fair shake…as long as they don’t rely too heavily on the 3D thing.

Uncharted 3 – The sour taste of Hollywood’s treatment of the property should have subsided by November.

LA Noire – Ooooh yeah. @beige and I will be drooling all the way through it.

Batman: Arkham City – Asylum was QUALITY squared and Rocksteady is still behind the wheel.

Deus Ex – Hopeful.

Bulletstorm – Depends on how this gets executed. If it turns out to be the NBA Street of the FPS genre, I’m in.

Portal 2 – Day one.

Dragon Age 2 – Ditto.

Mass Effect 3 – Ditto ditto.

Assassin’s Creed 3 – Ditto ditto ditto.

Gears Of War 3 – My son’s frothing at the mouth for this. I’ll play through the single player, for sure.

Diablo 3 – Depends on how many of you will be playing and if my iMac can run it smoothly

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – It can be built from the same busted-ass engine as the last one and I’d play it. Bethesda makes good on the RPG stuffs.